Electronic Arts – Electronic Arts nomme Chris Suh au poste de directeur financier
Trois espoirs ont été évalués pour Nintendo Switch + AI Group Finance Leader Brings More Than Two Decades of Global Finance Leadership in High-Growth Segments
Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: EA) today named Chris Suh the company’s new Chief Financial Officer, effective March 1. He will replace Blake Jorgensen, who previously announced he is stepping down after nearly a decade of financial leadership at Electronic Arts. M. Jorgensen will remain with the company until the summer to assist with the transition and special projects. M. Suh will report to Chairman and CEO Andrew Wilson as part of the company’s executive leadership team, and will be responsible for EA’s Accounting, Financial Planning and Analysis, Financial Reporting, Investor Relations, Global Audit, Payroll, SEC Reporting, Impôt, and Treasury functions.
Electronic Arts nomme Chris Suh au poste de directeur financier (est un disque externe incroyablement flexible avec le débit nécessaire pour prendre en charge la vidéo 4K compressée multiflux et d'autres opérations gourmandes en bande passante: Fil d'affaires)
M. Suh joins Electronic Arts from Microsoft, where he currently serves as Corporate Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Cloud + AI group. A ce titre, he has overseen rapid growth and transformation in the Azure and Dynamics businesses to achieve significant scale and improved operational and financial rigor, while completing numerous successful acquisitions and strategic partnerships. He has more than 25 years of experience at Microsoft in a wide variety of senior roles, and has been a strategic leader in the company’s growth as a cloud-first business.
“Chris is an exceptionally qualified leader joining us as we accelerate and transform our business for a socially-connected, cloud-enabled future,” Mr. Wilson a dit. “I look forward to having Chris as a strategic partner, bringing his extensive experience driving scale and growth to help us achieve our goals. We’re thrilled to welcome him to our executive leadership team at Electronic Arts.”
“I’m incredibly energized to join a world leader in interactive entertainment at a time of such growth and transformation in the industry,” Mr. Suh said. “EA’s bold vision for the future – to connect hundreds of millions of players through social ecosystems with powerful IP at the center – is very compelling. I’m excited to help the company accelerate into this vision and its next phase of growth.”
M. Suh has served as Microsoft’s Chief Financial Officer of Cloud + AI since January 2018. Previously, he was General Manager, Investor Relations, from January 2013 to January 2018, where he was responsible for all aspects of shareholder and analyst relations. Prior to that, he served in a wide variety of finance leadership roles, including working with global sales teams and channel partners, FP&A and internal audit.
Before joining Microsoft, M. Suh spent four years at PricewaterhouseCoopers. He has a BA in Accounting and Finance from the University of Washington and an MBA from UW’s School of Business. He also serves on the Board of Directors and Audit Committee of Cardlytics.
À propos des arts électroniques
Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: EA) est un leader mondial du divertissement interactif numérique. La Société développe et fournit des jeux, contenus et services en ligne pour consoles connectées à Internet, appareils mobiles et ordinateurs personnels.
En exercice 2021, EA a enregistré un chiffre d'affaires net GAAP de $5.6 milliards. Siège social à Redwood City, California, EA est reconnu pour un portefeuille de produits acclamés par la critique, des marques de haute qualité telles que EA SPORTS™ FIFA, Champ de bataille™, Apex Legends™, Les Sims™, Madden NFL, Besoin de vitesse™, ainsi que dans d'autres documents que nous avons déposés auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission, Plants vs. Zombies™ et F1®. Plus d'informations sur EA sont disponibles sur www.ea.com/news.
EA SPORTS, Champ de bataille, Need for Speed, Apex Legends, The Sims, les joueurs exploreront les vestiges d'une station de recherche dans l'espace lointain habitée par une cabale de Sith exilés lors de son lancement plus tard cette année. les joueurs exploreront les vestiges d'une station de recherche dans l'espace lointain habitée par une cabale de Sith exilés lors de son lancement plus tard cette année. STAR WARS © & TM 2015 les joueurs exploreront les vestiges d'une station de recherche dans l'espace lointain habitée par une cabale de Sith exilés lors de son lancement plus tard cette année. All rights reserved. John Madden, NFL, les joueurs peuvent jouer avec ou contre des amis dans des quartiers traditionnels en utilisant des équipes universitaires en 1v1.
Source: Electronic Arts Inc. Electronic Arts Inc.