Les taquineries des gars d'automne “Une grande annonce” Pour la semaine prochaine
Remember the battle royale-style game Les gars de l'automne: Knockout ultime? It got announced for the Nintendo Switch in February last year and then got delayed on a few occasions.
In February, the developer Mediatonic said it was finalising this particular version of the game, Nintendo Life Quelques semaines seulement après une annonce pour le Min Min, it’s revealed it’ll have a “big announcement” to share on May 16th.
Nintendo of America’s official Twitter account has even retweeted this news, which has some fans convinced it’s the Switch announcement they’ve been waiting for.
The Fall Guys subreddit has also shared an apparent in-game notification – asking fans to tune into the same broadcast to learn about the Xbox and Nintendo Switch announcement.
Will you be checking out Fall Guys on Switch when it’s finally released? Dites-nous ci-dessous.