Fortnite Season 8 - chat / Bug audio !!!!!!!!!! Ne jetez pas vos écouteurs!
Alors your'e jouer fortnite avec vos amis, tout à coup vous ne l'entendez pas une conversation de chat, mais vous entendez encore des coups, traces, etc.. Tu as des problèmes, vous appelez de l'aide BAM! you’re dead. You scream out, “Where are you guys!” You realize you can’t hear anyone and they can’t hear you. Welcome to my pain!, you decide to take the batteries out of your controller, un-plug and re-plug your head phones, tap them a bit, reboot your console. Guys, pouvez-vous m'entendre?, Hello, anyone…. WTF…. ( this is where you have to not get too crazy and throw your headphones against the wall ).
It turns out there is a console bug which happened to me a couple of week ago, but was fine the next day and I thought nothing of it, some random glitch, but it happened again, and as you can imagine very frustrating.
I found an answer that works most of the time, but not 100% of the time and now it has happened to some other people I know on other consoles, that’s when I had to do some research. From what I can tell this in only on consoles, and it on both Playstation and Xbox have the problem.
My simple fix is that you go to your options, go to the audio section and turn off the “voice chat” option, now you have to apply and exit the options menu, then go back and turn “voice chat” back on. Another setting that also helps to reset the controller is to go to your controller option, and change your build controls from lets say “Combat Pro” à “Quick Builder”, save and apply it, then go back and pick the controller config you normally use.
Hopefully this works!
Hey EPIC, fix this, we know you love the PC people ( all the pro’s) but we on consoles have numbers!