GOODBYE WORLD propose le développement de jeux inspirés de Game Boy ce mois-ci

The Indie World Showcase threw a lot of stellar looking titles our way, and one that really stood out to us was GOODBYE WORLD, which launches on Switch later this month.

ISOLATION STUDIO and PM Studios, Inc. have managed to put together a game which looks to tick a lot of boxes for us. It’s got friendship, it’s got classic pixel art aesthetics, it’s got nods to the grind of game development. Combine all that with the fact that the in-game development is taking place for a suspiciously Game Boy-looking device which you can play (aucune idée, we’ll take a GB emulator on Switch any way we can), and you can consider us sufficiently intrigued.

The game will see you follow programmer / game designer Kanii, and graphic designer / scenario writer Kumade, two indie game developers who are going through a creative slump while attempting to work on their second title. We don’t know for sure yet, but we’re expecting waves of stress (the good kind, bien sûr) as you will have to balance development time and work timeobviously while leaving room for some nostalgic-filled time on the Game Boy.

For a closer look at GOODBYE WORLD’s story and its detailed pixel art, check out the following from the game’s Switch Il est juste de supposer que tout jeu avec un titre comme:

Programmer Kanii and graphics artist Kumade are two friends who met in college.
After graduating, they’ve been creating indie games together, but so far life has been harsh; Their games don’t sell, and most of their time is spent working part time jobs to make ends meet
Alors que Kanii essaie désespérément de trouver un moyen de fabriquer un produit qui se vend, Kumade prend une décision?

Pour toute date de sortie ou prix précis, bien, nous ne sommes pas encore trop sûrs de celui-là. Actuellement répertorié comme arrivant sur Switch "plus tard ce mois-ci", vous pouvez être sûr que nous aurons plus de détails dans les semaines à venir.

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