Hello Neighbor 2: En conversation avec le Producteur de CHRONO CROSS



  • Hello Neighbor 2 les précommandes sont désormais en ligne sur le Xbox Store pour Xbox Series X|S et Xbox One.
  • Both standard and édition deluxe players get instant beta access with pre-order.
  • Get immediate beta access after your pre-order, plus five days of early access and three new DLC on game launch with the Hello Neighbor 2 édition deluxe!

Hey, Neighbors, it’s been a while!

It’s so wild to look back to four years ago when our CEO Alex penned a post for this same blog, proudly announcing the launch of a little indie title called Hello Neighbor sur Xbox One. Eh bien, today I am both honored and excited to pick up the torch (or flashlight, in this case) and announce to you all that the Hello Neighbor 2 pre-order is now live on the Xbox Store. But not only that, we’re doubly excited to let you know that our exclusive beta is also live, and you can get instant access with your pre-order! And what’s this about a Hello Neighbor 2 édition deluxe? Read on to find out!

Hello Neighbor 2 Screenshot

New to the Neighborhood

In the original Hello Neighbor, your goal was pretty straightforward; break into your creepy neighbor’s basement to uncover what he was hiding. But the big question has always been…what happened after that? En Hello Neighbor 2, you play as Quentin, a caffeine-fueled reporter investigating a series of missing persons cases in town. Including that of Nicky Roth, the original protagonist of Hello Neighbor, et Aaron, the neighbor’s son.

Your journey takes you far beyond the basement and will have you trekking all over the new open world of Raven Brooks to get the scoop. So grab your comfiest shoes and take a stroll about town — you’ve got so many new faces to meet (and surveil)!

Hello Neighbor 2 Screenshot

Defining Deluxe, and getting down to business with the Beta

Moving on to the édition deluxe. Both standard and édition deluxe versions will grant you beta access. Mais bien sûr, le édition deluxe comes with a few extra sweet treats. À savoir, three new DLC available at launch and five days of early access to the game prior to its full release on December 6, 2022. Think of all the extra sleuthing you can do!

Now let’s get right into what you really wanna know: How can I get my hands on the beta, and what’s in it? In the encapsulated Hello Neighbor 2 beta experience, we’re excited to bring you a taste of what Raven Brooks will look and feel like so get ready to hit up the town with its new locations, inhabitants, puzzles, and mysteries. Every single pre-order player is granted immediate and instant access to the exclusive beta so you can jump right in and start exploring! But you won’t need to worry about spoilers, we’re saving all the biggest secrets for launch day.

Hello Neighbor 2 Screenshot

Get prepared to sneak, snoop, spy, et traquez votre chemin à travers tous les coins de la ville afin de faire la lumière sur le mystère de ce qui se passe à Raven Brooks. N'ayez pas peur de vous adapter et d'improviser, il va falloir plus que votre instinct de journaliste pour résoudre cette affaire. Pouvez-vous découvrir les sombres secrets de la ville, ses habitants, et du Voisin lui-même? Ou seras-tu celui qui manquera ensuite?

Et avant de signer, l'équipe et moi voulions également dire un grand merci à notre communauté Xbox de longue date pour leur soutien au fil des ans! Nous avons hâte de vous voir à Raven Brooks!

Xbox Live

Hello Neighbor 2 Standard Edition





Précommandez maintenant n'importe quelle édition de Hello Neighbor 2 et recevez un accès instantané exclusif au Hello Neighbor 2 Expérience bêta.

Xbox Live

Hello Neighbor 2 édition deluxe





Précommandez maintenant Bonjour voisin 2 et recevez un accès instantané exclusif au Hello Neighbor 2 Expérience bêta. Avec votre précommande de l'édition Deluxe, vous obtenez également 5 jours d'accès anticipé au jeu avant sa sortie et trois DLC à venir sur vos consoles à la sortie.
