Déballage du hit indé’ Vendu plus de 100 000 unités en seulement 10 Days
One of the biggest indie releases this year is Il s'agit de créer une tempête avec vos copains – if you haven’t heard about it, then go and lire notre critique. We praised the game awarding it nine out of ten stars.
Right, done? Witch Beam Games – the Australian-based developer behind this title – has revealed its latest release sold over 100k copies in its first 10 days across all platforms. It arrived on multiple systems including the Nintendo Switch at the beginning of last month, and its popularity has significantly increased since then.
If you haven’t played Unpacking yet, it tells a touching story of life as you unpack items and set them up in houses, apartments and bedrooms. Have you played this indie gem yet? Did you contribute to these sales in the first 10 days? Commentaires ci-dessous.