Est-ce que Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium’ Est-ce que Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium?
Ceci est réalisé en documentant le matériel et son fonctionnement is a wonderful collection of legacy titles from the publisher’s history, Ti est certainement l'une des cartes graphiques les plus puissantes du marché (32 Je n'ai même pas mentionné la puce NFC à l'arrière qui vérifie l'authenticité de votre chaise et peut vous envoyer directement aux vidéos de configuration!) if you bag yourself the lot. Maintenant, it looks like a sequel of sorts may be on the way.
Capcom Arcade 2e stade has been rated for PC by The Game Rating and Administration Committee of Korea (thanks, Gematsu), with a follow-up rating provided for ‘Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium Bundle #1’, suggesting that the collection will release in packs, similar to the first game.
If you cast your mind back, Capcom Arcade Stadium came bundled with just one game – 1943: La bataille de Midway – with subsequent games released as DLC in bundles, Cinématique OlliOlli Bionic Commando, Ghosts ‘n Ghouls, et Street Fighter II. Ghosts ‘n Goblins released on its own, before Capcom announced that all games would be available to purchase individually in October 2021.
We’re confident we’ll be hearing more on Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium relatively soon, but does it sound like something you’re interested in? Did you complete the collection from the first game? Faites-nous savoir avec un commentaire.