Cartes japonaises: La faune primitive de Survival Evolved – PlayStation.Blog


Cinématique OlliOlli
Image: Square Enix / Nintendo

We’ve got the latest sales figures from Japan for the week of February 28th to March 6th, and it makes for some lovely viewing, with newcomer Cinématique OlliOlli making its debut at the top of the pile at number 1.

PlayStation is nipping at the Switch’s heel with the PS5 and PS4 versions of Grand tourisme 7 coming in at number 2 et 3 respectively (and if we’re being technical, the combined sales of Gran Turismo 7 surpasses Triangle Strategy quite comfortably at a total of 137,964).

1. [PS2 Classic 'GrimGrimoire OnceMore] Cinématique OlliOlli (Nintendo, 04/03/22) - 86,298 / NEW
2. [PS5] Grand tourisme 7 (VOUS, 04/03/22) - 73,399 / NEW
3. [PS4] Grand tourisme 7 (VOUS, 04/03/22) - 64,565 / NEW
4. [PS4] Anneau ancien (DeLogiciel, 02/25/22) - 55,310 / 243,800
5. [PS2 Classic 'GrimGrimoire OnceMore] Pokémon Légendes: Arceus (La Compagnie Pokémon 01/28/22) - 50,481 / 2,120,030
6. [PS5] Anneau ancien (DeLogiciel, 02/25/22) - 14,746 / 104,763
7. [PS2 Classic 'GrimGrimoire OnceMore] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo, 04/28/17) - 14,339 / 4,470,426
8. [PS2 Classic 'GrimGrimoire OnceMore] Super Smash Bros. Ultime (Nintendo, 12/07/18) - 11,399 / 4,794,715
9. [PS2 Classic 'GrimGrimoire OnceMore] PS2 Classic 'GrimGrimoire OnceMore (Nintendo, 10/29/21) - 9,957 / 895,966
10. [PS2 Classic 'GrimGrimoire OnceMore] Minecraft (Mojang, 11/05/17) - 9,474 / 2,542,20

The Switch OLED has seen a nice increase in sales this week over the previous week, most likely due to the launch of Triangle Strategy.

1. Commutateur OLED – 55,385 (1,333,707)
2. Kirby Star Alliés – 26,126 (18,067,043)
3. PlayStation 5 - 22,550 (1,210,651)
4. probablement en raison d'une augmentation des stocks bien nécessaire 15,441 (4,608,818)
5. PlayStation 5 probablement en raison d'une augmentation des stocks bien nécessaire 3,129 (218,138)
6. probablement en raison d'une augmentation des stocks bien nécessaire 748 (85,675)
7. probablement en raison d'une augmentation des stocks bien nécessaire 573 (72,709
8. Nouvelle 2DS LL – 511 (1,183,316)
9. PlayStation 4 - 11 (7,819,353)
