Microsoft va normaliser le contrôle RVB dans Windows 11 Settings
Soon, vous n'aurez plus à jongler entre plusieurs applis pléthoriques pour contrôler l'éclairage RVB de vos différents périphériques de marques différentes. Microsoft is set to standardize RGB and aesthetic lighting control within Windows 11. Released as a near-future update to the operating system, the new “Lighting” control seamlessly blends within the Personalization settings, within the Settings app of Windows 11. The Lighting section lists out all your hardware with controllable lighting, be it single-color or RGB; and lets you adjust their brightness, couleurs, and lighting presets. You can also coordinate their color and lighting patterns to match Windows and its other apps (for example, as ambient lighting). The standardized RGB control should significantly reduce the memory usage compared to having various brand apps running in the background; as well as CPU utilization. Currently, the new Lighting settings can be found in the Windows Insider build 25295.