MMLC Robot Master List: Bomb Man

Number: DLN-006

Weapon: Hyper Bomb

Weakness: Fire Storm

A robot who, together with Guts Man, used to clear land for development. Be sure to damage him before throwing the Hyper Bomb.

As a Light Number robot, Bomb Man was originally intended as an instrument of good. His Hyper Bomb and overall knowledge of demolition tools made him a great asset out in the field… until Dr Wily reprogrammed him and set the events of Mega Man 1 into motion.

After defeating Bomb Man you obtain his Hyper Bomb, which can be hurled a short distance and used to take Guts Man out in just a few hits. The blast radius is rather large, so whether you’re tossing the bomb or avoiding Bomb Man’s attacks, consider this weapon’s range when it’s on the screen!

It’s worth noting that Bomb Man sports a robo-mohawk (robohawk? rohawk? work with me here) and a wrestler-like physique emphasizing his sturdy size. Ready for action et a striking visagetwo great things to have when battling Mega Man.

Bomb Man has always been my first stop when replaying MM1. His pattern is pretty simple (basically keep running at him, stay close & he’ll hop away without tossing a bomb) and the stage is similarly easy. Cependant, as a kid I had no idea you could switch weapons after beating a boss. Weapon stealing and swapping was a unique concept at the time, and the particular cart I rented had no manual.

Alors, this being 1988 with no internet and not much magazine coverage, I played those first 8 bosses (unsuccessfully, I should add) for many days. Then one day I dropped the controller while the game was paused and heard aBLIP!” bruit. When I unpaused the game, Mega Man was green and I could toss bombs! So Bomb Man also has a special place in my heart as the very first weapon I ever used.

Brian aka “Protodude” ( Rockman coin )

Bombe homme tient l'honneur douteux d'être le plus rapide et le plus facile à battre patron MM1. Vous pouvez le faire descendre assez facilement avec juste le buster! Il reçoit beaucoup de pare-balles pour cela, mais je l'aime. Du point de vue de la conception, il suinte de caractère: les années 80 le punk mohawk, un sourire d'une oreille à, et un gros ventre rond. And hey, J'entends même il aime le bowling et le feu d'artifice.

De toutes les étapes Master Robot, Je dirais que l'homme de la bombe détient la plus grande variété en termes d'ennemis et du terrain. Il y a des explosions et des balles volantes dans tous les sens, Joes embusqués, et les pointes de la Wazoo. Pour couronner le tout, nous avons ces énormes sphères de mauvais augure qui se profilent en arrière-plan. je ne sais pas; Bomb Man is just so cool.

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