MMLC Robot Master List: Ice Man

Number: DLN-005

Weapon: Ice Slasher

Weakness: Elec poutre

Un robot créé pour mener des recherches au pôle Sud. Esquiver son Slasher glace avec des sauts au bon moment à la bonne hauteur.

Dans le monde réel, nous envoyons robots utiles dans toutes sortes de situations extrêmes que les humains ne peuvent pas supporter physiquement. Comment serait-il agréable d'avoir quelqu'un comme Ice Man à nos côtés, enquête environnements super-froid pendant que nous asseoir et à éviter tous les parasites exotiques qui peuvent ou peuvent ne pas être cachés dans l'Antarctique?

Oh uh, well that oddly specific concern aside, Ice Man was doing his duty when Dr Wily reprogrammed him as part of his robo-assault force. With the power to freeze foes in their tracks, Ice Man made a powerful addition to the team.

Ice Man falls after just three blasts from the Elec Beam. When he’s done, you get the Ice Slasher, a projectile that – appropriately enough – freezes enemies on the spot. It’s also useful against Fire Man y’know.

As a kid, Ice Man was my least favorite of the MM1 roster, only because I was hugely into robots and monsters; Ice Man basically looked like a dude in a snowsuit so by my 7-year-old logic he wasn’t as (hum) cool as the others. Aujourd'hui, I quite like the design and appreciate his practical application in the Mega-verse. Later bosses feel like a stretch to have apurposeas anything other than an evil robot, while Ice Man is clearly built with a plan in mind.

I’ve also been asking others about their favorite Robot Masters, and Ice Man just so happens to be someone’s seconde favorite :P

Jamal Peppers ( Archie Comics )

My second favorite Robot Master is Ice Man. I was fortunate enough to draw Ice Man and Guts Man, my other favorite Robot Master , together in a story for Archie ComicsMega Man series.

Like Guts Man, Ice Man’s design has always appealed to me. His big eyes bulging out from under his white fur-lined hood have always made me laugh and I liked the idea of this adorable little character being a powerful enemy. He’s also a lot of fun to draw.

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