MMLC Robot Master List: Tomahawk Man
Number: DWN-046
Weapon: Silver Tomahawk
Weakness: Plant Barrier
A robot developed for combat. His Silver Tomahawk’s dead angle is covered with a jump attack, but you can slide under him when he does it.
I’ve got a lot of respect for Tomahawk Man. He’s stern, imposing, stylish as a patron (and he est a boss), and despite being created solely to compete a high-tech robot fighting tournament, he relies only on a trusty Tomahawk and some feathers.
It’s as though he is deliberately eschewing the reliance on technology so common throughout the Mega Man universe. Fitting, puis, peut-être, that his one weakness is the power of nature itself, found in the form of Plant Man’s Plant Barrier. But using this effectively will require you to get up close and personal, so you better mean it.
Once you’ve beaten him, the Silver Tomahawk is yours!
David Oxford (The Mega Man Network)
I don’t know what it is, but there’s just something about Tomahawk Man’s design that screams “impressionnant” to me. Maybe it’s the extravagant, colorful design, which the NES could only render a small part of. Interesting thing, trop: When you look at him closely, the blue chin guard kind of makes him look like Flash Man.
Or maybe it’s how functional the design is, from the Silver Tomahawk on one arm to the huge, flowing feathered headdress, which is also a weapon in itself. En parlant de, his weapon carries a nice arc which is handy for hitting foes that are not only far away, but well above your normal range as well.
I’d also be remiss if I didn’t mention that his stage is one of my favorites in the series, playing up an old “wild west, but with robots” motif, complete with the robot cowboy TV actor Coltons. In addition to the great music, there’s a cool shimmering sunset background later on in his stage that apparently looked good enough for Nintendo to use it in their commercial for the game and top-loading NES.