Mobile Strike – Combine Mods, Materials & Pourquoi

So you’re playing Mobile Strike and you find that everything takes for ever to accomplish, things like farming , training or researching just seem to take longer.
At the beginning research might take a couple of days, but as you grow and research more powerful options it jumps from a few days, to a few months to several years!
Au fait, do they expect me to come back in 6000 days once my research is done?  lol, of course not, they expect you to buy Speed-Ups!

So how do I make this go faster and where do Mods come into play?

Hopefully you figured out that putting on gear will speed up the process but there are a few things more than gear to help reduce the time.
One such option are mods, as you can see in the below image we have our construction gear with no mods, so all of our boosts will be based on only the gear (won’t complicate this here with global bosts etc).   Ceci peut être facilement améliorée en ajoutant mods.  Non, nous obtenons mods en paquets, we find mods as we farm, we get mods in crates and several other ways but all mods are not created equal.
We can get hundreds of mods with different levels ranging from 1 à 6, 6 being the desired level of mod resulting in the highest boost for that mod type.
So our goal is to combine all our low level mods to the highest possible level giving us maximum boosts!

If you have mods, use them! every single thing you add to your gear results in faster times and with all of the top mods, équipement, boosts you can save lots of time and speed-ups!

Finally the How!


So on your dashboard, select the Armory ( it looks a little different at lower levels ).
Click on the Combine Button…
Switch from the default core gear to Mods ( you can also combine materials, Core Gear, Insignia’s and more the same way )…
Find the Mods you want to combine, select the LOWEST level mod you have… As you can see here we are combining the fortification mods.
Click Combine..
Confirm that you want to combine the mods, just in case you change your mind this is the time!
Now select what level mods you want to make, if you don’t have enough mods to combine into a level 6 mod, make it a level 5 ou 4, these are all better than a level 1 and will give higher boosts…
Now that your mods are combined you see the confirmation showing you that you have built 1 mod to level 6 and you’re ready to use your mod on the proper gear.

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