Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Free DLC line-up for July

DLC plus génial arrive dans Monster Hunter 4 Ultime le 3 Juillet, avec encore plus de contenu à venir le 17 Juillet! Voici le scoop complet sur tout cela, y compris G Rang Or Rathian et argent Rathalos !

I know what you’re thinking; we all want the Star Knight equipment in our hands ASAP, but this was a unique situation where the schedule had to be just a peu different from our usualfirst Friday” règle. De toute façon, we wanted to be clear with you that the content is still coming, although at a later time, so you don’t think something went wrong with your game.

Here are some pure numbers for ya; including the July 17th content, but actually not taking into account all the Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos gear:

14 Nouvelles quêtes
5 New weapons
3 Complete armor set
1 Palico weapon
1 Palico armor set
1 Bonus Palico: Brown Pal
3 Guild Card backgrounds
7 Guild Card titles

To get this content, all you need to do is 1) connect your Nintendo 3DS to the Internet, 2) load your copy of Monster Hunter 4 Ultime , 3) go to the “DLC” menu and 4) download all the things!

Quests will be saved under “Event Quests” (with the Questatrix) et “Challenge Quests” (with the Arena Bambina) in the Gathering Hall. G-Rank quests and G-Rank Challege Quests can be found in the Elder Hall and Assembly, respectively.

Pour les quêtes d'épisode, assurez-vous de parler à votre gouvernante et de lire ses instructions; certaines quêtes apparaîtront dans la salle de rassemblement tandis que d'autres apparaîtront dans la salle des aînés.

Le producteur du jeu sera également présent pour voir tous les grands cosplays!

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