Monster Hunter Rise: pare-soleil
Image: Capcom

Capcom has released yet another update for Monster Hunter Rise: pare-soleil. This bumps the latest version of the game up to 11.0.2 Alors que nous nous rapprochons de la sortie de.

According to a brief summary via social media, this update fixes some issues, along with some equipment loadout and “Donner vie à STRANGER OF PARADISE FINAL FANTASY ORIGIN avec LittleJem” miscellaneous bugs. Comme d'habitude, you’ll need to update to this latest version to continue playing online. Voici le récapitulatif complet:

Monster Hunter Rise: pare-soleil – Version 11.0.2:

Bug Fixes and Balance Adjustments


  • Fixed an error that occasionally occurred if you register an equipment loadout containing a weapon with a Rampage Decoration, rollback the upgrade for that weapon, and then try to select that particular equipment loadout again.
  • Fixed an issue occasionally affecting the results of augmenting armor when performing specific steps while augmenting a weapon.
  • When changing the target in the search settings for Anomaly Investigations, the minimum level value will no longer be updated if the target is within the range of adjustable conditions.


  • Fixed an issue causing players to obtain Anomaly Investigations asunauthorized questsif they join another player’s Anomaly Investigation for a monster they haven’t unlocked yet.
  • Fixed an error that occasionally occurred when harvesting during an Anomaly Investigation.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Anomaly Investigations joined by multiple players in the same lobby from showing up in the search results for Join Requests.
  • Detailed body hair on characters and monsters is now properly displayed when the anti-aliasing is turned off or set toFXAA.
    This also ensures body hair is properly displayed when NVIDIA DLSS is enabled. (Updated on August 10)
  • D'autres corrections de bugs divers ont été apportées.

Juste hier, Capcom gave Monster Hunter fans a first teaser of the Flaming Espinaspart of the second Sunbreak free DLC update, coming next month.

Avez-vous déjà téléchargé cette mise à jour? Remarquez autre chose? Alors que nous aimerions que ce soit une sorte de Discord de niveau supérieur pour Switch tease.
