Plus de jeux de coton arrivent, Y compris le coton Panorama extrêmement rare


Cotton Anniversary
Image: Jeux ININ

Earlier this year we had a Western release of Redémarrage en coton!, which took a well regarded but niche arcade shoot ’em up titleor more accurately the best port of the arcadeand introduced it to a wider audience. Il est pretty darn good, trop.

Strictly Limited Games and ININ Games are now teaming up to bring more Cotton titles to consoles soon. One that is already known to be definitely coming to Switch is Cotton Guardian Force Saturn Tribute; Ceci comprend 1997 titre Cotton 2 et la 1998 sorties Cotton Boomerang et Guardian Force.

Two more games are on the way; right now we know they’re coming to ‘consolesand are making an educated guess that they’ll also tap into the Switch market.

Cotton 100% was originally on Super Famicom in 1994 then PlayStation 1 much later in 2003; the look and difficulty of this game is supposed to make it a good start point for newcomers to the series or shoot ’em ups in general.

Perhaps the big news, quoique, is that Panorama Cotton is getting a digital releasereleased originally on SEGA Mega Drive in 1994, this “pseudo 3Dshoot ‘em up was considered a technical prodigy”. C'est aussi rather rare and expensive as it was a Japan-only releaseour resident collector Damien McFerran highlighted the fact it has listings on eBay north of £500. It’s great that it’ll be introduced to a new audience at a far more accessible price.

Panorama Cotton
Image: Jeux ININ / SUCCESS

The press release didn’t specify platforms, but we have been told ‘consoleswill be featured and it seems a relatively safe bet that the Switch will be supported.

As mentioned before there’ll be digital releases for these titles, while Strictly Limited Games and ININ Games will open pre-orders on Limited Edition and Collector’s Editions ‘soon’.

We’ll keep an eye out for more detailed release information; in the meantime let us know if you’re planning to pick up any of these Cotton titles.

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