Nintendo acquiert un terrain pour un nouveau bâtiment de développement au Japon

Image: Nintendo

This just in: Nintendo has announced it’s acquired new land. According to an official PR, it has bought this land next to its Kyoto HQ for around $5 billion Yen (that’s close to $40 million USD).

This new area will be home to the headquarterssecond development building (tentative name). The purpose of the facility is to apparently strengthen its research and development, and the project is scheduled to be completed by 2027.

In addition to the conventional R & D investment and capital investment, we have positioned the site to be acquired and utilized this time as having an important role in strengthening R & D.

Here’s some additional informationTotal floor area: Sur 38,000? , Structure/height: Steel structure 12th floor, about 72m. If we hear anything else about this, nous ne manquerons pas de vous informer.