Téléchargement: 30décembre (Amérique du Nord)

Creux 2
Image: Divertissement pour toujours

La dernière mise à jour de téléchargement Nintendo pour l'Amérique du Nord est arrivée, et il apporte de nouveaux jeux à gogo sur l'eShop de votre région… Er…, actually ‘galoremight be generous in the extreme this week. En fait, it’s the first time we’ve managed to fit the entire roster into the strapline above. Hey, it’s that inter-holiday idle week where most everyone’s on vacation — playing video games, nous esperons! They certainly aren’t releasing many of ’em.

Le big Indie World sale is still running au moment de la rédaction, quoique, so plenty to dip into that isn’t brand-spanking new. As always, La dernière mise à jour de Nintendo Download pour l'Europe est arrivée. Enjoy!

Changer de boutique en ligne – New Releases

Sourires de la mort I?II (Connexion à la ville, 30décembre, $39.99)An angel runs through the sky of tragedy Gothic horror shooting revival. Deathsmiles is a side-scrolling shoot ’em up game set in the alternate world of Gilverado, where girls known asAngelstake center stage. The game features an exotic world imbued with gothic horror themes, adorable character designs, and intuitive controls that will keep you coming back for more. – Read our Deathsmiles I?II review

Creux 2 (Divertissement pour toujours, 30décembre, $19.99) – In Hollow 2, exploring and surviving won’t be enough to learn your past and unravel all secrets. With re-designed, fast and friendly mechanics, you will be forced to purge abandoned station in order to reach your goal. Use all weapons and tools you will find to make sure, that not even a single wanton can stand between you and the truth. Run, bats toi, cacher, explore… do your best to destroy Shakhter-One once and forever! If that is even possible

Pawn of the Dead (Divertissement pour toujours, 30décembre, $9.99)Pawn of the Dead is a 3D game based on chess, in the style of Battle Chess. As Leonard the King of the White Kingdom, you have to defend your land against the marching army of the undead. With a help of your Queen Elona, the bravest warrior in the realm, you must overcome the threat. During your quest, you will face a sinister reflection you forgot a long time ago… Explore the storyline through animated cinematics and complete the campaign mode which consists of 64 niveaux – or pick a side and play against a friend!

C'est donc votre lot pour le téléchargement Nintendo nord-américain de cette semaine. Allez sur, FORMATEUR FAMILIAL, FORMATEUR FAMILIAL! Yep, all three of ’em.