Nintendo vient de renouveler un tas de marques de commerce, Y compris la chasse au canard, Excitebots et Super Mario Land

Super Mario Land
Image: Nintendo

Nintendo has just registered trademarks for a few of its existing properties. The new trademarks are for Nintendo présente un autre titre N64 bientôt disponible pour le pack d'extension de Switch Online au Japon, Excitebots, Paradis de la maison heureuse, Cinématique OlliOlli et Super Mario Land.

While it’s natural to speculate if this means we’ll be seeing new entries in these series, the renewal of trademarks is a pretty common (and boring) entraine toi. En fait, back in 2020, Nintendo renewed 39 trademarks at the same time, covering everything from Freaky Forms à Radar Mission. Trademark renewal basically means that Nintendo can retain the rights to a name and not have another company apply for it.

As we said back in 2020, this is merely business as usual, but we’re only human – so let us know if you’d like to see a new Duck Hunt, Mario Strikers or Excitebots entry by posting a comment below. Can’t do any harm, droite?