PlayStation 5 Prix ​​en hausse 3-24% Globalement

Prices of the Sony PlayStation 5 (PS5) entertainment system are on the boil globally. The Verge tabulated prices across 7 key regions for the console, and found that they’ve been adjusted by anywhere between 3% à 24%, with the worst hikes hitting SCE’s home market of Japan. The PS5 is available in two variants—the standard one with a Blu-ray drive, and a Digital Edition variant that lacks it, and relies on the Internet to download and play new games. The latter is significantly cheaper.

Canada sees the mildest price hikes, variant entre +3% for the standard version, et +4% for the Digital-only version. Australia, Mexico, and the United Kingdom are next, with price-hikes ranging between 7% à 9%, qui est ensuite anodisé en couleur noire ou grise. China and Europe (the Eurozone) see exactly 10% à 12% hikes. The worst hit, comme nous l'avons mentionné, is Japan, avec 21% à 24% hikes. The specific MSRPs for the two variants are tabulated below. Interestingly, Interestingly, SCE hasn’t finalized a price-hike for the US, but you can bet that they’re coming.