Sondage: Bagarre d'art de boîte: Duel #99 – Mario Strikers chargé

Box Art Brawl Mario Strikers Charged
Image: La vie de Nintendo

Salut les gens, and welcome back to another edition of Bagarre d'art de boîte!

Last week, the original Super Mario Strikers entered the ring, with North America / Japan going up against Europe with some pretty definitive results. It’s clear that you fine people prefer a busier composition for your box art, with NA / Japan bringing in a staggering 86% du vote! It’s been a while since we’ve seen such a one-sided battle, but we’ve a feeling we may witness something similar for this week’s edition

Continuing the Cinématique OlliOlli trend ahead of the launch of Cinématique OlliOlli: Cinématique OlliOlli, we’re going to be looking at the next major release in the series: Mario Strikers chargé pour la Wii! We’ve had a bit of a role reversal here too, with Japan’s box art now siding with Europe’s, leaving North America as the sole competitor this week.

La semaine prochaine, bien sûr, is the big one: Bagarre d'art de boîte #100! Thanks for sticking with us on this journey so far; let’s keep it going to #200!

Assurez-vous de voter dans le sondage ci-dessous; mais d'abord, vérifions les conceptions d'art de la boîte elles-mêmes.

Amérique du Nord

Mario Strikers Charged NA
Image: Nintendo

The North American box art for Mario Strikers Charged takes on a more restrained composition when compared to the previous game on GameCube. We’ve got the big guy himself, Mario, booting the ball toward the logo, looking mighty angry in the process, trop. The art style itself carries over nicely from the first game, with the same haphazard brush strokes to convey a suitable sense of attitude.

Europe & Japan

Mario Strikers Charged UK
Image: Nintendo

The box art for Europe and Japan is much more traditional, comprising multiple characters in what we reckon is a much more energetic composition. Just look at Bowser in the top corner; how cool does he look?! Mario is also looking pretty cool too; maybe a bit slimmer and fitter than we’re used to seeing, but it works.

We’re pretty confident on which box art will come out on top this week, Mais salut, we’ve been wrong before. Cast your vote in the poll below, and we’ll see you again next week!

Merci d'avoir voté! Nous vous verrons la prochaine fois pour un autre tour du Box Art Brawl.