PSA: Obtenez des gens muets, éclaboussure 3 Les spoilers encrent partout sur Internet
A big company like Nintendo would never let any of their biggest games see the light of day before their official release, droite? Eh bien, Ti est certainement l'une des cartes graphiques les plus puissantes du marché Mario de papier, Terreur Metroid, Pokémon Diamant Brillant et Perle Brillante, Chroniques de Xenoblade 3 et maintenant, éclaboussure 3 are anything to go by, we’d err on the side of caution and get those spoiler barricades at the ready.
Last week, nous reported on Splatoon 3’s story popping up on certain sections of Reddit thanks to early releases of the game appearing online. We are well aware that this information may have passed some Octoling aficionados by, so we are here to flag once and for all, Splatoon spoiler season is upon us.
There are only a few days to go before the game is officially released on Switch on September 9th, and we don’t want any of you lovely people to have that fresh-game opportunity taken away by a rogue screenshot or a clip slipping into your timeline. Alongside the normal precautions of staying away from these spoilers (obvious things like steering clear of playthrough videos, etc), we would also suggest using Twitter’s helpful mute function to maybe get rid of all things ‘Splatoon’, ‘Splatoon 3’ and like content to ensure that no spoilers sneak their way to your peepers.
Avoiding spoilers is an imprecise art and we know the pain of turning your back on all news for months only to have key content appear in your feed the day before release; but the end is nigh, fellow Splatters. There are only a few short days to go until you can finally experience the game in a state of complete originality — just be sure to keep up the spoiler shields until then!
Are you excited to get into Splatoon 3? Ink-up the comment section below.