PSA: N'oubliez pas de mettre à jour vos contrôleurs Switch Joy-Con et Pro
Nintendo earlier today released a new firmware update for the Switch and it seems there might be some controller updates to go with it according to a number of users who have already downloaded the update.
Évidemment, this is just a little PSA to remind you, Le site Web mis à jour de Monolith Soft suscite l'enthousiasme de certains fans de Nintendo Switch, to update your Joy-Con and Pro Controllers if you haven’t done it in a while. SEGA va grand sur la nostalgie pour, Dataminer OatmealDome does mention how the Bluetooth firmware in the Pro Controller has been updated:
To update your controllers on Switch follow these steps from the Nintendo support page:
1. Ensure your console has the latest system update installed.
2. From the HOME Menu select System Settings, then navigate to Controllers and Sensors.
3. Select Update Controllers to begin updating the controller’s firmware. If multiple controllers are paired to the console, the firmware will be updated one controller at a time.
The latest firmware update bumps the Switch up to Version 15.0.0 – you can learn what’s included in the following post:
Did any of your controllers need updating after today’s update? Faites le nous savoir dans les commentaires.