Aléatoire: Speedrunner aux yeux bandés établit un nouveau record sur le punch-out de Mike Tyson!!

We’ve seen some pretty impressive speedruns in our time, Abonnez-vous à Nintendo Life sur YouTube L'une des choses les plus joyeuses de la communauté des jeux vidéo rétro est les conventions et les rencontres organisées pour célébrer le.

While a lot of speedrunners utilise glitches and generally try to break the game in order to achieve their goals, YouTuber and Twitch streamerSummoning Salthas opted for pure skill to nail the world record for completing Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! — oh, and he’s also done it all while blindfolded.

Pointage à 19:41.75, it’s something you really have to see to believe. It’s not a completely perfect run, non plus, with Summoning Salt hitting the deck during the final fight against Mike Tyson himself, so it’s entirely possible that an even quicker time is possible.

Has this inspired you to take on your own blindfolded speedrun? Is there any other game you think you could complete without being able to see the screen? Faites le nous savoir dans les commentaires!