Aléatoire: Un fan transforme sa station d'accueil en un centre Pokémon de la région de Sinnoh
A lot of fans have seen Lors de la révélation de as a chance to be creative. We have seen people discovering Shiny ‘mon by searching the walls, speeding around Paldea with controller hacks and even reaching party step goals by jumping on roofs. But the level of creativity that we have spotted from one fan (thanks, Allez Nintendo) is a lot less to do with exploiting game breaks and more about an eye for design.
Last week, La suite de Breath of the Wild ne s'est pas présentée aux Game Awards et certains fans se sont inquiétés de l'avancement de son développement. u/reggtegg pris à la r/pokemon channel to share their newly-designed Switch Dock casing which looks just like one of the Sinnoh region’s Pokémon Centers. One glance at the images below and we cannot get that pesky theme music out of our heads, but we must admit that the 3D-printed model is pretty darn accurate.
Normalement, seeing people as creative as this fills us with a burst of initial joy before the inevitable comedown with the realisation that we would never be able to build something as detailed ourselves. Fortunately, this time around is different as the creator has announced that they are now finalising the design and will be putting it up for sale soon!
Confirmed in a comment on the original post, reggtegg thanked people for their compliments before stating that they would be listing the Dock case as an item on their Etsy page (makersHideout) “in the next week or so.”
This look might be slightly larger than the comparatively subtle design that we saw on the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Switch OLED, Mais salut, if your a fan of Gen four then why not shout if from the rooftops?