Aléatoire: Un fan de Nintendo crée un boîtier en acier pour sa station d'accueil Switch

Switch Steel dock case
Image: via Reddit

A Switch fan over the Nintendo Switch subreddit has shown off a custom-made case made entirely out of steel. Clarifier, this creation by ‘Destroyer1102isn’t actually a functioning dock, but a steel case that wraps around the official base unit.

It appears to be designed specifically for the OG model’s dock and if you’re worried about wireless interference, the creator has explained how they are using a LAN adapter. Some other users were concerned about ventilation being cut off in the back of the dock, so that’s one possible design flaw. It could also get a bit hot, which isn’t a good thing considering it’s made out of metal.

SEGA va grand sur la nostalgie pour, the creator made it all by themselvesthis includes the design of the case and the welding, and it’s an awesome custom creation that nobody else has. One response even compared it toBeskar Armoras seen in the Star Wars show, Bébé Yoda. And in terms of future improvements, one possible plan later down the line is to make the Smash Bros. logo light upa bit like Iron Man’s Arc Reactor.

Switch Steel dock case
Image: via Reddit

What do you think of this custom case? Have you got a fancy dock case or anything similar? Laissez un commentaire ci-dessous.