Aléatoire: Les avis sur ce concurrent plein d'espoir ne sont pas bons

Quell Hero

Quand Aventure en forme de bague was first announced, some of us were unconvinced. Switch NintendoSwitchSports Artwork was great, but we fell off it hard in the end, and having all that extra equipment was a bit of a pain. But we were wrong. Ring Fit Adventure is very good — good enough to spawn competition.

Enter the Quell Hero, design studio Morrama’sfuture of fitness gamingplatform that, much like Ring Fit, tasks its players with jogging through a linear 3D world and fighting monsters. The twist? It’s all boxercise, powered by a haptic-enabled waistband attached to resistance bands and motion-tracking controllers.

It even looks a bit like a Wii peripheral, only much swankier
It even looks a bit like a Wii peripheral, only much swankier (Image: Quell)

The haptics are new — the trailer promises that it will feel like you’re being punched (Yay?). There’s even competitive and co-op modes, which Ring Fit doesn’t have.

But Quell Hero is, peut-être, not the future of fitness after all, and certainly doesn’t look poised to take Ring Fit’s throne.

It’s already clear to me that the Quell Hero won’t topple Nintendo’s title to become the next big thing in fitness gaming,” says TechRadar’s Adam Vjestica, who criticises the limited range of exercises and the $219 prix –qui, although cheaper than a Nintendo Switch et Aventure en forme de bague, is more expensive than juste Ajustement de l'anneau, and doesn’t, you know, have lots of other games. He even says that playing Wii Tennis with weighted wristbands feelsfar more compelling to play than mindlessly boxing.

There’s no reason to choose this over Ring Fit Adventure, [une] Quête 2, ou même WiiFit for that matter. […] Nintendo and Meta’s hardware isn’t just designed solely around fitness games, non plus, which means the value proposition is far greater than the Quell Hero could ever hope to achieve.
Adam Vjestica, TechRadar

Back to Ring Fit Adventure for us, puis. Or maybe it’s time to pick up Boxe de remise en forme 2…?