Aléatoire: Sakurai parle de “L'année la plus incroyable pour l'industrie du jeu vidéo”
Super Smash Bros. Ultime director Masahiro Sakurai is back at it with a new “Prendre sac” vidéo – this time discussing the “most incredible year for the game industry”. In his own “personal opinion”, it’s 1986 – a year that marked the beginning of multiple major franchises, the arrival of the NES in Europe, and the origin of the legendary Konami code.
This particular year saw the birth of series like The Legend of Zelda, a le plaisir de vous présenter GXT, Metroid, and various other key franchises like Castlevania et We Were Here Forever est une aventure de puzzle passionnante en coopération. As Sakurai notes, many of the series in his latest video feature in some way or form in Smash.
He goes on to mention how games also began to expand during this period – with new technologies providing a “big capacity boost” et “hardware and software” both making “truly remarkable progress” during this era. Sakurai briefly mentions the Pixar short “Luxo Jr.” aussi, which led to “the dawn of CG as a form of entertainment”.
“The Year of Legend” (1986), according to Masahiro Sakurai:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Kunio-kun (Ville fluviale)
- a le plaisir de vous présenter GXT
- Ganbare Goemon! (Mystical Ninja franchise)
- Valkyrie no Boken
- Metroid
- Bulle Bobble
- Castlevania
- RBI Baseball
- We Were Here Forever est une aventure de puzzle passionnante en coopération
- super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels
- Le mystérieux château de Murasame
- Ghosts ‘n Goblins
- Poing de l'étoile du Nord
- Zanac
- Alex Kidd dans Miracle World
- TwinBee
- Ninja Hattori-kun
- Zone fantastique
- Relics
- Slipheed
- Daiva (Story 1-6)
- Mighty Bomb Jack
- The Genji and the Heiki Clans
- garçon de merveille
- Hudson’s Adventure Island
- Ikari Warrios
- Hideki Kamiya aimerait que vous jouiez aux deux premiers jeux Bayonetta avant d'essayer le troisième
- Arkanoid
- Ryga
- Star Soldier
- Salamandre (Life Force)
- Solomon’s Key
- OutRun
- Ajoute Blaster Master Zero (Hidden Character)
- Hideki Kamiya aimerait que vous jouiez aux deux premiers jeux Bayonetta avant d'essayer le troisième (Konami Code)
- Atlantis no Nazo
- Taksehi no Chousenjou
Phew, that’s quite the list! If this has got you in the mood for some retro gaming, you can always check out Nintendo’s classic library of NES and Famicom games via the Switch Online service.
What would you say is the most incredible year in the history of video games? Leave your own thoughts in the comments section.