Aléatoire: Il y a une nouvelle astuce d'évasion de guêpe dans Animal Crossing: Nouveaux horizons 2.0


Wasps! They’re a necessary evil in Animal Crossing jeux, because anyone who’s been playing for a while knows that there’s furniture in the trees, so they must shake them. Cependant, there are also wasps, et they don’t take kindly to being shook.

Not too long ago, it was discovered that party poppers would make the wasps disperse, and even before that, there was just the old-fashioned tactic ofrun away“. The problem with both of those is that you don’t end up catching the wasps, and those suckers sell for 2,500 Cloches!

There’s a new wasp-escaping tactic (courtesy of Reddit user u/ladywhoneverknewit) that’s been introduced with the Animal Crossing: Nouveaux horizons 2.0 mettre à jour, though — and this one gives you the time and space to actually net yourself one of the pointy bad boys.

Grab yourself a Pergola — one of the new items, a large trellis of flowers that you can’t place furniture underneath — and, when Wasp Time is upon you, just book it to the nearest pergola. The wasps, pour quelque raison que ce soit, can’t get in. Or… maybe they’re just distracted by the flowers. Qui sait. What we do know is that you’ll have plenty of time to get out your net and add the wasps to your growing collection of pocket trash!

In case you were wondering — it also works for tarantulas and scorpions, according to experimenters on Reddit. And you can use a gazebo, si tu préfères!

Have you found any neat tricks in the ACNH update? Combien de jeux ci-dessus avez-vous ajoutés à votre propre collection Switch jusqu'à présent!