Aléatoire: Ce créateur de Super Mario 2 Un fan a passé sept ans à créer "Super Mario Bros". 5’

Créateur de Super Mario 2
Image: Nintendo

Nintendo a officially ended support pour Créateur de Super Mario 2, but there’s still a passionate fanbase out there taking the game to the next level.

One player, in particular, who never left the latest entry was Nintendo fan and Twitter user @MetroidMike64. This talented individual has gone to the extent of releasing ‘Super Mario Bros. 5». Bien sûr, it’s all unofficial, but it’s still quite the feat.

I urge you to dust off your copy of Super Mario Maker 2 and try out my Super World. I’ve poured lots of blood, sweat and tears into this over the past 7 years. I hope you enjoy this game as much as I have.

This project has apparently been “7 years” in the makingdating back to the release of the original Créateur de Super Mario jeu, and features “40 full courses spread across 8 worlds”. Included are 24 Super Mario World-themed courses, 14 based on the super Mario Bros. 3 template, 2 courses from super Mario Bros., et son “seulement” made up of the retro Super Mario templates.

Metroid Mike 64 describes the gameplay asclassic Mariowith an aim to provide an experience that plays as if Nintendo made it. All 7 Koopalings star as end-of-world bosses, and there are multiple world maps with branching paths. The Maker ID code you’ll need is: 0G9-XN4-FNF.

Will you be returning to Super Mario Maker 2 to try out this experience? Commentez ci-dessous.