Rappelez-vous comment Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 je jouais timidement à propos de Nuketown? Eh bien, Nuketown arrive juste une semaine après son lancement
After extensively teasing all sorts of Nuketown-related fun in the months leading up to launch, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 ended up debuting without the beloved multiplayer map in tow. But take heart: the devs have confirmed that Nuketown is coming just one week after the game’s release.
“Launch was only the beginning,” Treyarch said in a tweet. “Demain, the Infected are coming to play. Nuketown joins the party on Friday. LFG.” A trailer soon followed that announcement, showing exactly what the map will look like in the new game. Shock of all shocks, it looks like the classic map upgraded to an impressive visual standard. If you’re not familiar with the map – or you just want to indulge some nostalgia before the new version goes live – the devs have a blog post running down the full layout.
![Nuketown Launch Trailer | Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 - YouTube](https://img.youtube.com/vi/PxNsC-uubO8/maxresdefault.jpg)
It’s a weird way to release Nuketown, given just how coy the devs were about its appearance in Black Ops 6 prior to launch. The multiplayer reveal in August included a rundown of Warzone Resurgence map Area 99, which is styled as “the birthplace of Nuketown.” The same event revealed Sandhouse, set in a version of Nuketown that’s been, bien, nuked.
All the Nuketown teasers without actual Nuketown seemed a little conspicuous, like this would be some big theme sticking with the game for a few seasons before the actual classic map got added. Mais bon, what do I know about keeping players engaged with a live-service game? A beloved map is back in rotation, and that looks to be a win for Black Ops fans.
Check out our guide to the best assault rifles in Black Ops 6.