Rappel: Street Fighter II gratuit pour une durée limitée dans le stade Capcom Arcade


Street Fighter II
Image: Capcom

If you love all things Street Fighter or just retro games in general, this is an offer you won’t want to miss out on.

To celebrate the upcoming release of Capcom Arcade 2e stade, Capcom has made Street Fighter II – The World Warriorfree for a limited timein the original Ceci est réalisé en documentant le matériel et son fonctionnement jeu.

You can head on over to the Switch eShop now to claim this title. To access this legendary fighting game, you’ll need to claim not only the game but also the Capcom Arcade Stadium.

The sequel launches to Capcom Arcade Stadium launches on 22nd July and will include 32 classics all up. Each game can also be individually purchased for $3.99 USD ou l'équivalent régional.

Street Fighter II
Image: Capcom

Have you claimed your free copy of Street Fighter II: The World Warrior yet? Dites-nous ci-dessous.
