Le speedrunning de Sea of ​​Thieves est en ruine à cause d'un problème de couteau de lancer qui tue l'un des boss les plus coriaces du jeu en quelques secondes


Sea of Thieves just added new weapons to the game for the first time since launch; the Double Barrel Pistol and throwing knives; and a glitch affecting the latter is being exploited to utterly decimate one of the game’s hardest bosses in record time.

Conformément à Speedrun.com, the fastest anyone’s ever beaten an Ashen Lord is 40 secondes, accomplished by YouTuber YooKay and a friend using carefully timed cannon fire to obliterate the boss. Eh bien, that world record could be shattered fairly quickly if someone puts their mind to it before Rare patches out a glitch that turns throwing knives into a machine gun-style rapid-fire assault weapon.

In this video from Sea of Thieves streamer NessieDoes, an Ashen Lord is defeated in just 43 secondes. While that’s a few seconds shy of the world record, consider that it was done by a single player, while the current record holder was teamed up with someone else. If a full crew of four, or even two, pelted the Ashen Lord with turbo knives at the same time, it’s hard to see how the current record would stand.

Attribuées, it’s also hard to see this glitch not being patched out pretty quickly. Speedrunning aside, I can only imagine how much of a bombshell this would be to the PvP meta if left untouched for any length of time. According to the player in the above video, the glitchcan happen to anyone randomly when picking up a throwing knife while holding 2 guns,” so it’s not as if it’s a complicated exploit to perform but rather one based mostly on chance.

Cela dit, they also followed up to clarify thatyou can only walk and most inputs you do cancel it,” so in hindsight it probably wouldn’t be all that effective in PvP unless your enemy was paralyzed for some reason.

De toute façon, c'est un “funny bug to see on day oneof Sea of Thieves season 12, which is live now on Xbox, PC, et PlayStation, which will always feel weird to write.

In the spirit of Sea of Thieveslaunching on PlayStation, Voici les best PS5 games et la best Xbox Series X games to play today.
