Sega’s Sonic Team On Memes: “We Like That People Are Having Fun

Sanic Movie
Image: via Facebook / Sonic l'hérisson

It’s not every day a video game company embraces memes with open arms, but that’s exactly what’s going on at Sega when it comes to the Sonic l'hérisson série – en fait, it’s arguably helped revitalize the brand over the years.

Avant la sortie de Générations Sonic X Shadow et la Sonic l'hérisson 3 movie later this year, Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka recently touched on all the Shadow and Sonic-related memes during a chat with Polygon. Tout d'abord – yes, the team sees fans postinglots of interesting stuff”.

As for his thoughts, he thinks these memes can be apositive thingbecause it illustrates just how invested fans are in thebrand and the character”. Sega also loves to just observewhat’s happeningand enjoys whenpeople are having funand engaging with the blue blur and his pals like this. He’s even seen the Knuckles and Amy memes:

I don’t know how many years ago… there were a lot of Knuckles memes going on, out of nowhere… and there were a lot of Amy memes as well. Objectively, we’re just kind of watching what’s happening, and we like that people are having fun and engaging with our characters.”

It’s not just memes Sega is open to, it’s also not quite as strict as some other video game companies when it comes to fan-made games. It’s even employed talent like Christian Whitehead, who started out making fan games and went on to develop one of the best Sonic games of all time, Manie sonique.

Alors, there you have it SanicSonic fans, meme on!