éclaboussure 3 Sortie physique fournie avec le DLC Expansion Pass annoncé
Mettre à jour: Nintendo of Australia has just confirmed a western release – announcing the same physical bundle will be released locally on 25juillet 2024 at select retailers.
Original: Nintendo has announced it is releasing a new physical version of éclaboussure 3 in Japan next month on 18juillet 2024.
This new package will come bundle with a copy of the game, the Expansion Pass (including the Inkopolis update and Ordre secondaire DLC) as well as a three-month Switch Online subscription. It’s not specifically mentioned if everything is actually on the game card, but Nintendo has done this with previous Switch game and DLC bundles.
For now, this physical pack has only been confirmed for Japan, but if we hear any updates, Nous vous ferons savoir. If you haven’t experienced the Splatoon 3 DLC yet, be sure to check out our previous coverage. Inkopolis saw the return of the Squid Sisters and Side Order added a brand-new single-player experience.
Here’s a little sample of our Side Order review:
“We found ourselves repeatedly coming back to try just one more run which turned into five, so that should speak for itself. Splatoon fans rejoice, it’s another goodie.”
Again, this isn’t the first time Nintendo has released updated packages containing expansion content and DLC. It’s previously done this for Switch games like éclaboussure 2, The Legend of Zelda: Souffle de la nature, Pokémon Épée + Bouclier et Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.