Les contraintes d'approvisionnement frappent certains produits Raspberry Pi


No-one seems to be immune to the current spat of component shortages and Even Upton from the Raspberry Pi foundation has announced that the 2 GB SKU of Raspberry Pi 4 will be going up in price, to its previous US$45 price point, from its current US$35. They will also bring back the 1 GB SKU of the Raspberry Pi until things settle down and it’ll retail for $35.

They’re also shifting their production priorities to be able to meet the demand of some products, as they’re experiencing a fab allocation shortage on the 40 nm node on which the Raspberry Pi 3 SoCs are being made. En tant que tel, the Raspberry Pi 3B+ might end up in short supply, as the Raspberry Pi foundation will focus on its Raspberry Pi 3 et 3+ compute modules, as well as the Raspberry Pi 3B.

This is partially due to the fact that the Raspberry Pi 3B+ uses the same Wi-Fi module as the Raspberry Pi 4 and this allows the Raspberry Pi foundation to re-allocate those modules to the Raspberry Pi 4 production. All of this is said to be temporary, but there’s obviously no given time when things will be back to normal. The announcement does mention that there shouldn’t be any shortage of Raspberry Pi 4 SoC, as the allocation of 28 nm silicon on which the Raspberry Pi 4 SoC is made, is currently not experiencing any supply issues.
