Switch eShop confirme Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punitions pour février
Mettre à jour: After some not-so-subtle clues back in December, a Switch eShop listing has confirmed that a Switch port of Frogwares’ well-received detective adventure Sherlock Holmes: Crimes et châtiments is releasing on 3rd February.
D Platformer Warhammer $29.99, although it’s currently available for 15% off ($25.49, offer runs until 9th February), and anyone who already owns La ville en train de couler on Switch will save another 10%. The game will clock in at a meaty 8.2GB according to the listing.
Histoire originale [Thu 23rd Dec, 2021 12:30 GMT]: Developer Frogwares has put out a festive tweet with a none-too-subtle clue that one of its most celebrated games may be headed to Switch.
The studio — famous for its long line of Sherlock Holmes mystery games, and most recently for La ville en train de couler — left a hint in a festive tweet (primarily promoting the non-Switch title Sherlock Holmes: Chapitre un) that suggests Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Premiers titres de la bande originale d'Horizon Forbidden West disponibles ce vendredi may be getting the Switch port treatment in the near future.
As you can see from the tweet below, the accompanying image features a Switch-like device scrawled onto the floor with chalk, with ‘C&P’ written on the screen:
Let’s get a little close-up of that, shall we?
Yep. Despite this Switch facsimile featuring not one but deux D-pads across both Joy-Con, you really don’t need to be much of a Sherlock to divine the significance of this clue. Even Watson could get this one.
If you’re unfamiliar with the game, it launched on PC and consoles back in 2014 and was widely acclaimed as a particularly fine adventure/detective/mystery game. It’s currently got a Very Positive rating on Steam, so it’s good news to hear that it’s been framed for a Switch port.
Let us know below if there’s anything else this could possibly signify, and if you’re excited to see this one coming to Switch.