Tachyum sélectionné pour l'habilitation de projets paneuropéens 1 IA Zettaflop dans 2024

Tachyum today announced that it was selected by the Slovak Republic to participate in the latest submission for the Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI), to develop Prodigy 2 for HPC/AI. Prodige 2 for HPC/AI will enable 1 AI Zettaflop and more than 10 DP Exaflops computers to support superhuman brain-scale computing by 2024 for under €1B. As part of this selection, Tachyum could receive a 49 million Euro grant to accelerate a second-generation of its Tachyum Prodigy processor for HPC/AI in a 3-nanometer process.

The IPCEI program can make a very important contribution to sustainable economic growth, travaux, competitiveness and resilience for industry and the economy in the European Union. IPCEI will strengthen the EU’s open strategic autonomy by enabling breakthrough innovation and infrastructure projects through cross-border cooperation and with positive spill-over effects on the internal market and society as a whole.

Even though global semiconductor demand has exploded, Europe’s share of the market has shrunk. By announcing the proposed European Chips Act, President Ursula von der Leyen sent a strong economic signal to EU member states about the need to achieve technological sovereignty. The Act builds on the European Alliance on Processors and Semiconductor Technologies which was launched in July 2021. The strategic project that Tachyum has been selected for will result in a major inflection point for the data center industry and the democratization of AI.

According to Europe 2020’s economic strategy, IT is one of the key drivers for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Its ability to transform the structures and dynamics of European society enables people to organize their lives and businesses in new ways, manage information and learn throughout their lives, and contribute to the pool of online knowledge. Because of the importance of these projects, pan-European research and innovation, like that in which Tachyum has been invited to participate, represent an advancement of common European interests.

Le processeur Prodigy de Tachyum peut exécuter des applications HPC, IA convolutive, IA explicable, IA générale, bio AI, et augmenter les réseaux de neurones, plus les charges de travail normales du centre de données, sur une seule plateforme de processeur homogène, en utilisant des modèles de programmation standard existants. Sans prodige, Les centres de données hyperscale doivent utiliser une combinaison de processeurs disparates, GPU and TPU hardware, for these different workloads, créer de l'inefficacité, Recettes nettes totales, et la complexité des infrastructures d'approvisionnement et de maintenance séparées. Utiliser du matériel spécifique dédié à chaque type de charge de travail (e.g. centre de données, IA, CHP), entraîne une sous-utilisation des ressources matérielles, et une programmation plus stimulante, soutenir, et entretien. La capacité de Prodigy à basculer de manière transparente entre ces différentes charges de travail modifie radicalement le paysage concurrentiel et l'économie des centres de données..

As we near the completion of our first phase of delivering Prodigy to market in order to transform data centers throughout the world, we have already begun work on the next generation of Prodigy processors that will enable us to help transform economic opportunities for society at large,” a dit le Dr. Radoslav Danilak, fondateur et PDG de Tachyum. “The importance of AI and supercomputers cannot be underestimated. Being selected as a key participant in this IPCEI allows us to reimagine how we can best revolutionize industry by developing a 3 nm version of Prodigy that will enable superhuman brain-scale computing. We look forward to working with the commission and contributing to the success of this project.