«L'art de Bravely Default II»: 201X-2021’ Obtient une version anglaise en 2025

Square Enix’s Bravely Default series is absolutely stunning to look at, so you might be pleased to hear the art book based on the Switch release is now on itsRead More

Rassembler: Here’s What Was In Japan’s Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase And Indie World (Août 2024)

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube775k Platform 8 – 28novembre 2024 If you’re familiar with The Exit 8, this is the sequel. Here’s a brief summary via Steam: “You … Read More

Dragon Quest Creator sur le défi des protagonistes silencieux du jeu moderne

Image: Square Enix The silent protagonist is a hotly debated topic among RPG enthusiasts. Usually acting as a stand-in for the player, this character is usually the lead, although theyRead More

54 Ports de commutation que nous aimerions voir avant la fin de la génération

Image: Nintendo Life Since 2017, we’ve seen a huge number of ports come to Switch, many of which seemed like impossibilities beforehand. Surprises like Doom (2016), which turned up inRead More