Prenez le stand avec de nouveaux détails E3 à propos de Ace Attorney: Esprit de la Justice et notre stand E3!

Un des plus grands salons de l'industrie du jeu vidéo, E3 est mains vers le bas (de préférence, claqué contre un bureau) le placer pour les entreprises du monde entier pour montrer leurs derniers et plus grands jeux, et je suis heureux de vous parler aujourd'hui de notre propre affichage de la salle d'audience sur le stand Capcom (South hall, Booth #2023)! Nous avons aussi quelques nouveaux détails frais sur le prochain jeu 3DS Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice !

As a quick refresher, Spirit of Justice finds Phoenix far from home, traveling to the Kingdom of Khura’in, while Apollo Justice holds down the fort back home at the Wright Anything Agency. As a visitor in a distant land, Phoenix soon meets up with a local monk-in-training, Ahlbi Ur’gaid, who is also a highly dedicated tour guide for the area surrounding the kingdom.

Being a monk in training, Ahlbi knows everything there is to know about the Kindgom of Khura’in and its history, and provides a lesson about Khura’in’s history. Together, Phoenix and Ahlbi head to Tehm’pul Temple, where it’s soon found out that tragedy has struckand Ahlbi is hauled off as the prime suspect in a murder investigation!

Phoenix can’t sit idly by while Ahlbi is taken to court, where aguiltyverdict is swiftly reached. Seeing that Ahlbi has no defense attorney, Phoenix takes up the helpless Ahlbi’s defense against the Kingdom of Khura’in’s Chief Prosecutor – a.k.a. The Royal Payne!

Huh. He looks so familiarhave we seen him somewhere before? I’m sure it’ll come back to me sooner or later. Between Gaspen Payne and the insights of the Royal Priestess, Rayfa Padma Khura’in, Phoenix’s work is cut out for him, and his life in the courtroom is on the line – literally!

You can get in the spirit yourself if you’re attending E3! Head over to Capcom’s booth (South hall, Booth #2023) for a replica of a Khurain’ese courtroom, complete with demos on both the defense and prosecutor benches, and a witness stand in the centerperfect for photo ops or courtroom selfies! The demo itself not only has the seriesbeloved courtroom drama, but also mixes things up with the all-new Divination Séance mechanic, tasking Phoenix with finding the inconsistencies between Rayfa’s interpretations of the vision and the memory itself to prove Ahlbi’s innocence.

If you can’t HOLD ITyour excitement, c'est – we’ll have a recap of everything that went down at E3 after the show, including plenty of pictures! We’ll have even more info on Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice in the few short months up through the game’s release this September, so stay tuned and be on the lookout for the latest on the Ace Attorney Twitter et Facebook !

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