The Best Games of gamescom are Coming to Xbox One
At gamescom 2013 in Cologne, Germany, Xbox wowed more than 300,000 gamers with a diverse lineup of upcoming blockbusters and exclusives, all coming to Xbox One. From the biggest games of the future, tel que "Chute des Titans,” “The Elder Scrolls Online,” “Destiny” et “Fable Legends,” to Xbox One’s launch library, y compris “Forza Motorsport 5,” "Ryse: Fils de Rome,” “Dead Rising 3,” "Killer Instinct,” "Battlefield 4,” “Call of Duty: Ghosts,” "FIFA 14” et de plus, Xbox One demonstrated at gamescom that it is the best place to play games.
Here is an overview of the Xbox games that took home top honors at gamescom 2013. Eight console awards were given to titles that will be available on Xbox One, y compris “Best Online Multiplayer Game” for “Destiny” “Best Social/Casual/Online Game” for “The Elder Scrolls Online” et “Best Racing Game” for “Forza Motorsport 5.”
En plus, the Xbox and PC exclusive “Titanfall” was declared the best game for any next generation console, echoing the accolades that Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment’s futuristic sci-fi shooter has been receiving from the industry’s most prominent critics.
Meilleur jeu de console de nouvelle génération:
Boîtier en titane (Electronic Arts) available on Xbox One, Xbox 360 et PC
Best Console Game Microsoft Xbox:
Boîtier en titane (Electronic Arts) available on Xbox One, Xbox 360 et PC
Meilleur jeu d'action:
Destiny (Activision Blizzard) available on Xbox One
Best Role Playing Game:
The Elder Scrolls Online (ZeniMax) available on Xbox One
Best Racing Game:
Forza Motorsport 5 (Microsoft Studios) available exclusively on Xbox One
Best Sports Game:
FIFA 14 (Electronic Arts) available on Xbox One and included free to Day One pre-orders from EU
Best Online Multiplayer Game:
Destiny (Activision Blizzard) available on Xbox One
Best Social/Casual/Online Game:
The Elder Scrolls Online (ZeniMax) available on Xbox One