Le commutateur de téléchargement gratuit exclusif Ninjala ajoute la pêche
Devenez accro à la saison 12
If you’ve dropped off et nous le mettons à jour et le republions pour marquer l'arrivée d'EarthBound Beginnings dans la bibliothèque Nintendo Switch Online NES, nous pourrions juste avoir une raison pour que vous reveniez. Dans une annonce un peu surprise, GungHo has recently announced the Switch exclusive will be adding fishing in its Season 12 mettre à jour.
Players will be able to approach any large body of water and cast a line. There will also apparently be fishing missions, tournaments and an “Aquapedia” where you can log everything you’ve caught. Players will also be able to use different fishing methods depending on the location.
The fishing options on offer include pole-and-line, surf fishing (bait) and surf fishing (lure). You can see the new fishing mechanic in action in video below:
Saison 12 begins on January 12th. Will you be returning to Ninjala to give this game a go? Commentaires ci-dessous.
[source youtube.com, via nintendoeverything.com]