Les remakes de Pokémon Diamant et Perle viennent de remporter un prix mondial’


??Alors que nous autres devons attendre le 19 novembre pour mettre la main sur le
Image: Le ??Société Pokémon

Pendant le 2022 Tokyo Game Show today, the winners of the Japan Game Awards were announced. One winner, in particular, that seems to have people talking on social media is the 2021 Switch title Pokémon Diamant Brillant & Perle brillante.

Not only did it take out the ‘best sales awardbut it was also recognised as the best Japanese game release globally. While the sales award isn’t all that surprising, plenty of trainers online are seemingly confused (and a bit frustrated) as to how the remakes took out the ‘global’ prix.

Here’s how some Pokémon fans are reacting to the latest news online:

Pokémon Légendes: Arceus ended up taking out an ‘award for excellence’, Kirby also got some love, and Bandai Namco’s hit Anneau ancien won the main award. Voici le récapitulatif (via NintendoSoup):


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Pokémon Diamant Brillant et Perle Brillante

  • Global Award International Work Category

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Pokémon Diamant Brillant et Perle Brillante

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How do you feel about the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes taking out these awards at the Japan Game Awards? Did you enjoy these titles yourself? What about the other winners on this list? Laissez vos pensées ci-dessous.
