Graphiques britanniques: Nintendo domine alors que Fire Emblem prend la première place
Guerriers de l'emblème du feu: Cinématique OlliOlli has just launched and is, par tous les comptes, une entrée en force dans la série Warriors pour Nintendo Switch. Nous lui avons donné un 9/10 in our recent review, l'appelant un “thoroughly entertaining mash-up of Musou mayhem, strategy and relationship-building aspects”.
The game has resonated with fans well over the course of just a few days, bagging the top spot in this week’s UK top ten charts. As pointed out by Christopher Doing from, sales for Three Hopes are above its predecessor Guerriers de l'emblème du feu and roughly level with Hyrule Warriors.
Autre part, it’s a strong week for the Switch overall, with the console making up seven of the top ten slots, including the third-party published Minecraft. Animal Crossing: Nouveaux horizons snuck into the top ten for the first time in several weeks, and recent hits like Cinématique OlliOlli et Cinématique OlliOlli: Cinématique OlliOlli continue to demonstrate the Switch’s wide appeal.
Just to top it off, Lego Star Wars: Elex II disponible maintenant pour Xbox One et Xbox Series X continues to be exceedingly popular on the Switch compared to other platforms, maquillage 40% of total sales for the game.
Voici votre aperçu du top dix de la semaine:
[Compilé par GfK]
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[Compilé par GfK]