Vidéo: Mass Effect obtient un démake GBA de style Advance Wars
“Il est 2001 et vous jouez à Mass Effect sur votre GBA”
Have you ever wondered what Mass Effect would look like if it was transformed into an Guerres avancées–style game? YouTube channel 64 Morceaux has uploaded its own ‘demake’ of a Mass Effect Advance Wars-inspired game, which is part of a larger series of demakes.
Le renouvellement de la marque Silent Hill fait allusion au retour de la franchise “Advance Effect: Édition Légendaire” et bien, it looks great! Although the Mass Effect series hasn’t had much to do with Nintendo platforms over the years, BioWare did have plans at one stage to release a first-person DS game based on the series. Mass Effect 3 was also eventually released on the Wii U.
As for Advance Wars, the latest entry for Switch combining the first two games was recently delayed. Hopefully, we’ll get an update regarding a release date soon. Until then, check out the video above and tell us what you think of this demake. Would you like to see more games adopt Advance Wars’ old school visuals? Laissez vos pensées ci-dessous.
[source Youtube, via]