Vidéo: Nintendo Land ne viendra probablement jamais changer, Mais ça va

One title in particular, cependant, was noted for its incredibly unique gameplay that truly demonstrated the Wii U’s capabilities, and that was Terre de Nintendo. While there are many who, perhaps quite rightly, believe the title should have been bundled in with the Wii U, it’s nevertheless a beloved title amongst Nintendo fans.

To talk about the game in more detail, our Video producer Zion is joined by ex-Pousser carré video producer Liam Richardson, who now spends his time making lovely content over at Rock Paper Shotgun. The two chat about their memories of the game, what was good about it, and what perhaps was pas tellement bon.

It’s a bit of a lengthy one, so make sure you get comfortable, grab a cup of tea and whatnot, et apprécie.

Are you hoping Nintendo revisits Nintendo Land in some fashion? How would you like to see it return? Faites le nous savoir!