Bienvenue dans l'Overwatch 2 Bêta sur Xbox


It’s our pleasure to welcome players to the Cartel 2 beta!

A partir d'aujourd'hui, Juin 28, until July 18, joueurs sur Xbox One et Xbox Series X|S will have the opportunity to join our beta test for the first time before Cartel 2 officially launches on October 4. This beta features new tank hero Junker Queen, new map Rio, and a new Push game mode. Additionally, players will finally get to experience the new and reimagined 5v5 gameplay and redesigned heroes.

We’ve shared a lot of information over the past few weeks – like how Cartel 2 will be free for all players starting October 4. Here’s what you’ll get to experience within this beta and game launch later this year:

New Hero: Junker Reine

Cartel 2 Screenshot

Junker Queen joins the Cartel 2 roster as the newest tank hero with a big axe and even bigger ideas. As we saw in The Wastelander cinematic, the Scrapyard’s sovereign is fierce, ingénieux, and no stranger to survival. Et maintenant,, she’s come to claim her rightful throne.

An Ever-expanding World

Cartel 2 Screenshot

Bring the fight to new destinations as the scope of PvP expands. Travel the world, savor breathtaking sights, and clash on the streets of iconic locations like Monte Carlo, Rome, Toronto, and New York City. Rio is an especially fun map, with a carnival float payload moving through a club where Lucio DJs.

More Game Modes

Cartel 2 Screenshot

Introducing the new Push game mode. Dans ce nouveau, symmetrical map type, teams will battle to take control of a robot that begins in a central location, then push it toward the enemy base. This new mode will join the existing lineup of modes, bringing more objectives to capture, strategies to explore, and secrets to unearth.

For beta, we will begin granting access to players who opted-in through July 14. Players who buy the Cartel 2: Pack Watchpoint on the Xbox Store will be granted immediate beta access today.

Our team has both technical and gameplay-related goals for this beta, so please share your thoughts, Rétroaction, and experiences with us on Overwatch 2 beta forums! We are enthusiastic about including players in this vital testing phase, and we hope everyone has a great time in-game!

Xbox Live

Overwatch Watchpoint Pack

Blizzard Entertainment Inc..




Online multiplayer only. Requires Xbox Live Gold, sold separately.

Get equipped for Overwatch® 2!

Purchase and receive:
– Guaranteed Access to the Overwatch® 2 PvP Crossplay Beta (Beta begins June 28th, 2022*)
– Overwatch®: Édition Légendaire (includes five (5) Peaux légendaires, and five (5) Epic Skins)

Additional content granted to purchasers at the release of Overwatch® 2 on October 4th**:
– Premium Battle Pass: Saison 1***
– Two (2) Overwatch® 2 Legendary Hero Skins – Space Raider Soldier 76 and Space Raider Cassidy
- 2000 Overwatch® 2 Virtual Currency
– Overwatch® 2 Player Icon (Cartel 2 Watchpoint Pack pre-purchase exclusive)

Get ready for a new and reimagined Overwatch® 2 PvP experience:
– New heroes and an all new 5v5 structure will shake up competitive play and create opportunities for bold new strategies.
– New Push game mode features new symmetrical maps where teams engage in a tug-of-war battle and push TS-1, a centrally-located robot, deeper into enemy territory.
– With an always-on live service, Overwatch® 2 will introduce new heroes, cartes, modes and cosmetic content with each season – Season 1 starts with launch in October!

A mobile phone number must be linked to your Account to play Overwatch.
*Disponibilité réelle de la plateforme et date de lancement(s) of Overwatch 2 PvP Crossplay Beta subject to change. See for more details. Minimum Beta duration is 18 days. Temps limité seulement. Internet Connection and Xbox Live Gold subscription required.
**Des objets seront attribués aux joueurs ayant acheté Overwatch® 2 Pack Watchpoint avec Overwatch® 2 lancements, date réelle sujette à changement.
***Saison 1 Battle Pass applies to Season 1 only and will not award access to any future Battle Pass or seasonal/live content. Saison 1 will launch alongside Overwatch® 2 in October 2022.
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