A quoi jouez-vous ce week-end? (Le 20 août)


13 Sentinels Aegis Rim art book cover
Image: Vanillaware

Are you riding the waves this weekend? Course de vague 64 is out now on the Nintendo Switch en ligne + Pack d'extension service, so we’re sure some of you are grabbing that late ’90s nostalgia. Otherwise, you might be tee-ing up for a round of golf with the well-reviewing Cursed to Golf (we’ll have our own review in the future!). Or perhaps you’re eyeing up that confirmed finalised list of Mega Drive Mini 2 jeux.

Elsewhere on Nintendo Life, we’ve got a list of all the Wii U and 3DS DLC you should grab before the stores close. We also scoffed down Le buffet de rêve de Kirby Phoenotopia édition rétro 1296x. And we also joined the Cult of the Lamb in yet another positive review for this indie hit.

Il est maintenant temps de se détendre et discuter de nos plans de jeu du week-end. Quelques mles membres de l'équipe Nintendo Life ont fait exactement cela ci-dessous, alors n'hésitez pas à lire nos entrées, puis à participer aux vôtres via notre section de commentaires. Enjoy!

Kate Grey, écrivain personnel

Ce week-end, I’m taking a plane to Germany with an eight-hour layover so I will be playing A LOT of video games. Wish me luck.

I’ve been playing 13 Sentinelles like nobody’s business lately, and I intend to keep doing it until I understand what on earth is going on in the game. It’s very confusing!! Just when I think I’ve figured out a plot point, it’ll turn out that actually everyone is a robot AND it’s all a dream AND everyone’s been dead the whole time, like every single famous movie twist all at the same time. But it’s gorgeous, it’s fun, and it’s weird, and I want roughly ten billion more games like this, so I’m happy.

Alana Hagues, écrivain personnel

I’m going to sound like a broken record, but it’s more Chroniques de Xenoblade 3 for me this weekend. I’m now at the end of chapter 6, which means I’m not far off the end of the game. Bien sûr, beating the game isn’t the end of Xenoblade 3, mais I’ll feel comfortable moving on to some new things. It’s been phenomenal, and even with a few endgame stumbles, it’s probably my favourite Xénolame jeu. I’m ready to weep through the ending and the credits then take down some superbosses!

So things should get a bit more varied now because I need an RPG break! I still have to finish Blanc néon (yes, really) so I’ll spend some time derusting this weekend, but then I think I’m going to start Chicorée: Un conte coloré. I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about this one.

Ollie Reynolds, écrivain personnel

I honestly don’t think I’ll have time to play anything this weekend, but if I do, I’ll probably jump into a Metroidvania game, peut être Axiom Verge ou Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night; something I can easily jump in and out of. I might hop into Danganronpa and get through a few scenes here and there, mais, that’s if I have time!

Jim Norman, écrivain personnel

After spending last weekend looking around flats, this week I will en fait be moving into one of them! This will, bien sûr, call for a bit of the strangely, specifically titled, Jim Is Moving Out! (thanks to Alana for flagging this one), in the ultimate ‘life imitates art’ demonstration.

Mis à part cela, it is going to be party times all around. I am expecting to be going back to the classics with TT Games parle de "Construire la galaxie" et Just Dance 2022 to truly settle into the new place.

Like most people, I have been watching the frankly énorme amount of éclaboussure content this week and may be tempted to give the series another go once I have got some boxes unpacked. I haven’t really got on with this particular franchise in the past, but maybe a fresh start could be the perfect time to go back to it – we will see.

As always, Merci d'avoir lu! Assurez-vous de nous laisser un commentaire ci-dessous avec vos plans de jeu du week-end!
