A quoi jouez-vous ce week-end? (28 mai)
We’re almost at the end of May, et la “E3” build-up is beginning to kick in, which means that things have been a little steady in the world of video games. Three new NES and SNES games have appeared on NSO this week. A dancing Psyduck toy took the internet by storm. Et qui vous laisse le temps de vous arrêter et d'admirer le paysage à couper le souffle: Hundred Heroes finally, et peut-être même le sortir sur DS à temps, got confirmed for Switch.
Nous avons aussi reviewed the beautiful, emotional OPUS: Écho de Starsong – Full Bloom Edition. A surprising reboot came out on Friday; Kao the Kangaroo is back and at its best. And Kate took a look back at her favourite janky RPG, Dragon’s Dogma, on the week of its tenth anniversary.
Il est maintenant temps de se détendre et discuter de nos plans de jeu du week-end. Quelques mles membres de l'équipe Nintendo Life ont fait exactement cela ci-dessous, alors n'hésitez pas à lire nos entrées, puis à participer aux vôtres via notre section de commentaires. Enjoy!
Kate Grey, écrivain personnel
Ce week-end, if the weather’s nice, I’m going for a bike ride. My poor lovely bike has been in the basement since last October (thanks, Canadian Winter) so I’m excited to — oh, désolé, this is What Are You Playing. My mistake.
Ce week-end, if the weather’s crappy (which it will be, I just checked) I am going to be firing up [EXPURGÉ], which is June’s Backlog Club game, and I’ll also be trying out new games to wean myself off of my J'ai tout un baratin sur combien l'art de addiction. Currently, that’s Les cellules mortes, Roundguard, et Guild of Dungeoneering, all of which are quite fun, although I do wish Roundguard was a little less punishing for a game that’s basically Peggle!
Aussi, I started my third playthrough of L'enfer de Dante last night. Tuez le puissant Jungle Boss Apophis et recevez son puissant buff, I love that game. It’s so utterly offensive in every way that it presque comes back around to being charmingly inoffensive? It’s hilariously stupid. I love it.
Alana Hagues, écrivain personnel
I’ve hit another wall and I can’t decide what I want to play this weekend! Not that I’m short of options, bien sûr. I’m leaning towards starting a brand new RPG — something long like Contes de l'Ascension on PS5 or getting back to that Chroniques de Xenoblade: Definitive Edition playthrough — but I’ve got a busy few months ahead of me where a 50-100 hour epic just doesn’t seem feasible.
The most tempting prospect right now is to fall back on something I’ve already played, so I’m thinking Pokémon Légendes: Arceus. I actually haven’t touched most of the post-game stuff so at least I’m not replaying something I’ve played a dozen times, droite? Plus I miss my goofy little Typhlosion… I hope it’s sunny and warm where you are this weekend!
Gonçalo Lopes, critique
I feel the need, the need for speed. Non, not the one you might be thinking of. I dusted off my New 3DS for some hardcore replaying of Combat d'as: Assault Horizon Legacy +, the definitive remake of the iconic Combat d'as 2. I also treated myself to some Top Gun: Maverick airplanes with the DLC pack for Combat d'as 7: Ciel inconnu on a non-Nintendo platform. We need this series on Switch! Lego Star Wars: Elex II disponible maintenant pour Xbox One et Xbox Series X concludes with Episode IX, just in time for the Obi Wan Kenobi series streaming premiere.
Accessories of the week are my Ray-Ban Aviators and my Bomber Jacket. What’s your problem, Kazansky?
Stuart Gipp, contributor
Did you know that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cowabunga Collection looks absolutely brilliant? You did? Very clever, pat yourself on the back. I have been playing classic TMNT games to prepare for its majesty, and have thusly been pouring time into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project sur NDA, a game I wasn’t previously especially familiar with. In addition to my previous “did you know”, quoique, did you know that it — a single component of the multifaceted Cowabunga Collection — is also brilliant? An amazingly accomplished and full-featured beat-’em-up for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It’s ace. And I’ve been playing it. D'accord, salutations.
As always, Merci d'avoir lu! Assurez-vous de nous laisser un commentaire ci-dessous avec vos plans de jeu du week-end!