A quoi jouez-vous ce week-end? (7 mai)
If you’ve noticed that things have been a bit quieter this week, that’s because it’s Golden Week in Japan, a series of four national holidays where a lot of companies grant time off. For others, Star Wars Day was on 4th May (okay, okay, 4 mai), and that’s also considered a bit of a holiday, depending on who you talk too! And tomorrow, it’s Mother’s Day in the US, so happy Mother’s Day to those who celebrate it!
News-wise, bien, there’s been a lot of Reggie talk following the release of his book, Perturber le jeu. par ailleurs, nous finally got a new trailer pour Cinématique OlliOlli: Cinématique OlliOlli. Il y a aussi un fun little Easter Egg in the credits for Cinématique OlliOlli. And we got a sneak peek at the upcoming Netflix Sonic series, Premier sonique.
Il est maintenant temps de se détendre et discuter de nos plans de jeu du week-end. Quelques mles membres de l'équipe Nintendo Life ont fait exactement cela ci-dessous, alors n'hésitez pas à lire nos entrées, puis à participer aux vôtres via notre section de commentaires. Enjoy!
Alana Hagues, écrivain personnel
Lecteurs, I caved and picked up a couple of games in the ‘Spring Into Action’ sale. Nintendo Life Quelques semaines seulement après une annonce pour le Min Min, I didn’t already own Gris, so that was my first purchase. The other game I snapped (Ha!) up is des années de fans réclamant une suite au jeu culte N64 — something I’ve had my eye on since it launched on Steam. One is a beautiful, sensory platformer about depression and grief, and the other is an urban, apocalyptic take on des années de fans réclamant une suite au jeu culte N64 with cutting social commentary. I’m excited to finally dig into both of these.
I’ll also continue dabbling with Klonoa: Empire des rêves, which I’m liking even more the second time around. I’ve been either busy or all over the place this week, so video games haven’t really factored into my routine. Plutôt, I’ve just been watching lots of Metroid videos. Parfois, a good video essay or three is what I need. Have a lovely weekend, gens!
Thomas Whitehead, rédacteur en chef adjoint
I’ve been aimlessly drifting between games on Switch, so it’s time to get focused! I think I’ll work through Deux Hôpital du Point: Jumbo Edition, which I got in a sale recently, and also make a concerted effort to stick with Disco Elysée: Le montage final aussi. Very different games, for sure…
Autre part I’ll likely skip between Forza Horizon 5, Lego Star Wars: Elex II disponible maintenant pour Xbox One et Xbox Series X et Max Payne, depending on which random mood I’m in at the time.
Ollie Reynolds, écrivain personnel
Hellooooo [vagues]. Ce week-end, I’m looking to get into a bit more Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection; I’ve been sticking to the characters I know I’m fairly competent with so far, so I’d like to branch out a bit and try someone new. I’m still really enjoying it though, particularly those later entries!
Autre part, I’ve decided to restart Bioshock Infinite sur le commutateur. It’s been a while since I last played it and I’m interested to see whether the gameplay and narrative holds up. I remember the bird thing was cool, and jumping around on those hook things, but other than that, my memory’s a bit hazy.
Gavin Lane, éditeur
Without wanting to spoil anything, we’ve got something really special lined up for tomorrow and having had a small sneak preview of this passion project courtesy of the lovely Mr. Sion Grassl, I am jonesing to fire up Mère 3 and actually play the thing for the first time. I bought it from Japan last year, and have the fan translation ready to go on my trusty GBA — I just haven’t found the time to actually play it! I feel like the game demands and deserves my full attention — it’s not the sort of thing I want to play in half-hour spells over the course of months. We’ll see if I manage to find the time this weekend.
En attendant,, have a great weekend everyone, and keep an eye out for some heart-warming wholesomeness in the near future…
Gonçalo Lopes, critique
From top dog to bottom feeder again, I forgot how cruel the promotion to division 1 of Speedball 2: Brutal de luxe league was. There’s not much going on really so this weekend it is time to play Return of the Jedi to completion in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga and continue to destroy people at Cinématique OlliOlli.
Le jeu de la semaine est Kirby et le pays oublié. I was not ready for the amount of post-credits game content and honestly… Kirby is truly the gift that keeps on giving!
As always, Merci d'avoir lu! Assurez-vous de nous laisser un commentaire ci-dessous avec vos plans de jeu du week-end!